We believe men are worth saving

We’re passionate about supporting Prostate Cancer UK’s research to get men diagnosed earlier and support to help men with prostate cancer. Our teams will be fundraising to stop prostate cancer damaging the lives of men and their families. For men like Paul, Niel, John and their families, the support of Prostate Cancer UK has been vital.

Paul’s Story

For men like Paul, getting an early prostate cancer diagnosis is crucial to helping them to recover. Paul was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018 and is now on his way to recovery. His experience with prostate cancer has motivated Paul to fundraise for Prostate Cancer UK. Paul’s story highlights the importance of early diagnosis and raising awareness of prostate cancer. Many men could have recovered from prostate cancer if they had been diagnosed earlier. Paul is one of numerous men and their families affected by prostate cancer. Thankfully, Paul is on his way to recovery. However, there is still work to do as over 11,000 men die from prostate cancer each year. Our fundraising activities will help to prevent prostate cancer damaging more lives by helping men get diagnosed earlier giving them a better chance of survival.

John and Caroline’s Story

A diagnosis of prostate cancer is life changing for men and their families. Help us to help men like John continue living fulfilled lives and spend valuable time with their loved ones. The support and resources available thanks to the incredible work of Prostate Cancer UK were hugely important to John and Caroline. As John’s prostate cancer was diagnosed early, he was given a range of treatment options. Feeling overwhelmed with the choices available, John turned to Prostate Cancer UK. Their online resources and Specialist Nurses allowed John and Caroline to assess their options and make an informed decision. The support and understanding of the Specialist Nurse was crucial in acknowledging both John and Caroline’s feelings and helping them during an incredibly difficult time.

Image of John and Caroline.

Niel's story

Like John, Niel turned to Prostate Cancer UK for support in understanding different treatment options after his diagnosis. Using Prostate Cancer UK’s health information leaflet, Niel was able to understand his options and read about questions from other men dealing with prostate cancer. In 2020, Niel began a course of radiotherapy treatment. During this intense period of treatment, he decided to participate in Prostate Cancer UK’s March the Month challenge. Taking part in the challenge helped Niel to get through the treatment as it provided a distraction and the opportunity to give back to a fantastic cause. Niel is on the way to recovery and its thanks to the work of Prostate Cancer UK supported by generous donations that has helped him and countless others in stressful circumstances.

Our shared vision

We share Prostate Cancer UK’s vision of a world where men aren’t needlessly dying of prostate cancer. Their four key areas of diagnosing early, diagnosing accurately, providing better treatment and providing better support are goals that we share. We’re thrilled to be able to help Prostate Cancer UK make this vision a reality.